Friday, November 4, 2011

826nyc and Lots and Lots of Bacon

On Tuesday, we journeyed down to 826nyc for a Storytelling and Bookmaking Program. Volunteers at the center helped us develop our own story titled "Bacon the Hamster vs. Squeaky the Squirrel." After we wrote the first few pages together, we went off to craft our own endings to the story. An illustrator created drawings to match our story. These drawings were bound with the original story and our own endings, so we left with our own original books (complete with our photograph on the back!).

The only downside to the whole trip was Ms. Mildew, the 826nyc publisher who lives deep down in the 14th basement of the building. She was the toughest publisher we've ever encountered. For a while we were concerned that she wouldn't accept our books (she normally doesn't take anything written by children), but after reading our stories she reluctantly agreed they could be approved.

Here are some pictures from our visit. Click on a picture to enlarge it!

What was your favorite part of our trip to 826nyc? How did your story end?


  1. probably the...

    WHOLE THING!!!!!
    it was really fun I can't remember how mine ended but I think that somebody got smacked in the face with bacon and died!


    1. I agree with Hadi. Everything was fun. I especially liked when we took the picture with those (as they said stylish) glasses. My story ended with this, "Squeeky punched Bacon in the face. Then a cat named Kooooble tried to settle them down. 'settle down children' Kooooble said. Just then Dr. Moishabo came and took away Squeekys powers. Then Bacon put Squeeky in a bacon cage forever". Poor Squeeky.
