Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Revision Work

Today we started revising our first writing pieces--our personal narratives. One strategy we learned in class today is that writers pay attention to the internal story of their piece--what's going on inside a character's head. We talked about how characters can run, jump and play, but how they also have to think, dream, yearn and remember. We revised our personal narratives to make sure the internal stories were clear.

You know SO MANY smart revision strategies! What are some of your favorites? Describe one to us in the comments! You can even talk about a revision strategy YOU invented!


  1. One of my strategies is when I need to add on to a sentence I stick a postit note at the edge of the sentence and keep writing from there.

    - Louise

  2. I do that to and i LOVE to cross out stuff too


  3. Cutting out details that you don't need is a great strategy to use as a writer!
