Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Poetry Month: Day 16 (by Sofia)

I chose "Love That Dog" because Jack's attitude changes over the book. In the beginning of the book Jack says ''I don't want to because boys don't write poetry, girls do'' ; In the ending of the book Jack ended up writing a magnificent poem (''Love That Dog''.) Another reason I chose ''Love That Dog'' is Sharon Creech is a wonderful writer and she wrote many wonderful stories.

Love That Dog

Love that dog
like a bird loves to fly
I said I love that dog
like a bird loves to fly
Love to call him in the morning
love to call him
''Hey there, Sky!''
-by Sharon Creech


  1. I love that dog poem, and I'm glad you explained how it relates to a story.

  2. I love the picture that you put up. It really matches with what Sharron Creech was trying to say. You chose a very good part of the book to include for your post.

