Thursday, May 10, 2012

Poetry Month: Day Ten (by Mariann)

I chose the poem 'What Is Pink?' because I love the way the author goes into such great detail when describing the color.  I also chose this poem because the color pink reminds me of Mothers and with the date so close to Mother's Day, I thought it fit.

Title:  What Is Pink?
Pink is the color of a rose.
They come in other colors
But everyone knows
Pink is the mother-color of a rose.
Pink is a new baby,
The inside of a shell.
Pink is a cooked shrimp
And a canterbury bell.
Pink is peachbloom
Gauzy  .   .   .  frail
The wind's exquisite
Wedding veil.

Pink is a bonbon,
Pink is a blush,
Some Easter bunnies
Are pink plush.
If you stand in an orchard
In the middle of Spring
And you don't make a sound
You can hear pink sing.
A darling, whispery
Song of a thing.

Pink is beautiful
Little sister of red
My teacher said,
And a ribbon girls tie
Round their head.
Pink is a sash
With the lovely fold
You'll remember
When your old.
Pink is the flower
On a lady's hat
That nods and bows
This way and that.


  1. Pink has never been my favorite color, but the poem you selected helped me see it in a new way!

  2. I like how you can picture everything the poet is trying to say just if you close your eyes. Sometimes you don't even know what the specific object is but it is fun to make things up.

