Friday, May 18, 2012

Poetry Month: Day 18 (by Hadi)

I chose "My Parents Have the Flu Today," because I like how the poet made it funny but it still had all the things that any other poet would have like similies, rymes etc. And I love the idea for the poem, it's very creative and funny!

My Parents Have the Flu Today by Jack Prelutsky
My parents have the flu today,
they are both sick in bed,
and thoughts of what to do today
are swimming through my head.
My nimble brain is burgeoning
with ways to misbehave,
I'll give my brother's Teddy Bear
a haircut and a shave.

 Perhaps I'll make a mud pie
in my sisters stupid hat,
attach my mother's earrings
to the puppy and the cat,
hang carrots from the ceilings,
stuff bananas into shoes,
then set the clocks to different times,
it's certain to confuse.

I'll switch the salt and sugar,
scatter meatballs on the rugs,
hide spaghetti in a closet,
and refrigerate some bugs.
I'll paint my father's underwear
an iridescent blue.
My options are unlimited...
my parents have the flu.
      -Jack Prelutsky