Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Poetry Month: Day 29 (by Dante)

I chose "I Took a Sip of Water" because it is funny and it has a story about a man who drinks a lot of water, which is a cool topic because it makes him fat and he can't leave his room. That can never happen in real life so it seems interesting and entertaining. I especially like the part when he wants to drink a waterfall. I hope you enjoy it!

I Took a Sip of Water
I took a sip of water,
a second sip, a cup.
I filled a tumbler to the brim
and drank that glass right up.
I guzzled down a gallon,
a gallon is a lot,
but noticed that the more I drank,
the thirstier I got.

I drank a quart of lemonade,
I drank a quart of juice,
I drank a quart of chocolate milk,
it wasn't any use.
I found a dozen sodas
and quickly drank them all,
I felt that I could drink a creek,
a lake, a waterfall.

My body kept expanding,
it seemed about to burst,
and yet I couldn't manage
to satisfy my thirst.
Now I've become so bloated,
I can't fit through the door-
I'm fairly certain I will not
eat sponges anymore.
-by Jack Prelutsky


  1. Very funny!! I enjoyed your performance at the poetry slam.
    -Catherine (Jake's mom)

  2. Great choice Dante!


  3. You're right, it is a funny poem! And I liked your poem slam prefomence too!
